Guadalupe National Forest

Guadalupe National Forest was established by the U.S. Forest Service in New Mexico on April 19, 1907. On July 1, 1908, the entire forest was combined with Sacramento National Forest to create Alamo National Forest. The lands are presently part of the Guadalupe District of Lincoln National Forest. The district comprises the Guadalupe Mountains to the north of Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Mountains National Parks.

Guadalupe National Forest

Guadalupe National Forest was established by the U.S. Forest Service in New Mexico on April 19, 1907. On July 1, 1908, the entire forest was combined with Sacramento National Forest to create Alamo National Forest. The lands are presently part of the Guadalupe District of Lincoln National Forest. The district comprises the Guadalupe Mountains to the north of Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Mountains National Parks.