Gulong ng Palad

Gulong ng Palad (lit. Wheel of the Palm [of the Hand], figuratively Wheel of Fate) is a Philippine radio drama series (1949-1956), which first aired by DZRH and soap opera hit from 1977 up to 1985 (originally aired by BBC-2, then formerly City 2 Television from 1977 to 1979 and reverted in 1983 until 1985 and RPN from 1979 to 1983). On January 9, 2006, the drama series came back in television under the direction of Eric Salud and Jerome Pobocan. This show aired from January 9, 2006 to May 12, 2006.

Gulong ng Palad

Gulong ng Palad (lit. Wheel of the Palm [of the Hand], figuratively Wheel of Fate) is a Philippine radio drama series (1949-1956), which first aired by DZRH and soap opera hit from 1977 up to 1985 (originally aired by BBC-2, then formerly City 2 Television from 1977 to 1979 and reverted in 1983 until 1985 and RPN from 1979 to 1983). On January 9, 2006, the drama series came back in television under the direction of Eric Salud and Jerome Pobocan. This show aired from January 9, 2006 to May 12, 2006.