Gum copal

Gum copal, also known as manila copal, is a resin produced by the sap of the forest tree (Daniellia sp.), due to common impurities and differences in regions, gum copal ranges in colors from blacks to yellows to whites. Gum copal, along with ivory and slaves, was a significant export from East Africa in the nineteenth century. Gum copal exists in a state very similar to that of amber but with some primary differences. It is commonly mistaken for amber and oftentimes sold at gem shows or other areas as amber. Unlike amber, gum copal is usually only 100-1,000 years old and it has not yet fossilized. Gum copal usually sells for $750-$1500 USD per metric ton in rock form and $1500-$6500 USD Per metric ton in powder form.

Gum copal

Gum copal, also known as manila copal, is a resin produced by the sap of the forest tree (Daniellia sp.), due to common impurities and differences in regions, gum copal ranges in colors from blacks to yellows to whites. Gum copal, along with ivory and slaves, was a significant export from East Africa in the nineteenth century. Gum copal exists in a state very similar to that of amber but with some primary differences. It is commonly mistaken for amber and oftentimes sold at gem shows or other areas as amber. Unlike amber, gum copal is usually only 100-1,000 years old and it has not yet fossilized. Gum copal usually sells for $750-$1500 USD per metric ton in rock form and $1500-$6500 USD Per metric ton in powder form.