Hôtel de la Chambre

The Hôtel de la Chambre des Députés (English: Hall of the Chamber of Deputies) is the meeting place of the Luxembourgish national legislature, the Chamber of Deputies, in Luxembourg City, in southern Luxembourg. It is located on Krautmaart, an irregularly shaped street in the historic heart of the city, in Ville Haute quarter. Next to the Chamber is the Grand Ducal Palace, the official residence of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Due to the Hôtel's location, 'Krautmaart' has become a metonym for the Chamber of Deputies itself.

Hôtel de la Chambre

The Hôtel de la Chambre des Députés (English: Hall of the Chamber of Deputies) is the meeting place of the Luxembourgish national legislature, the Chamber of Deputies, in Luxembourg City, in southern Luxembourg. It is located on Krautmaart, an irregularly shaped street in the historic heart of the city, in Ville Haute quarter. Next to the Chamber is the Grand Ducal Palace, the official residence of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. Due to the Hôtel's location, 'Krautmaart' has become a metonym for the Chamber of Deputies itself.