HMS Assurance (1747)

(For other ships with the same name, see HMS Assurance.) HMS Assurance was a 44-gun fifth rate frigate of the Royal Navy, launched in 1747. She was wrecked off The Needles near the Isle of Wight, England in 1753. The ship remained stuck on the rock long enough for the crew and passengers to escape. The wrecksite was identified by an Isle of Wight resident, Derek Williams, who became the first licensee. The wreck site includes cannons and other metallic items from the ship.

HMS Assurance (1747)

(For other ships with the same name, see HMS Assurance.) HMS Assurance was a 44-gun fifth rate frigate of the Royal Navy, launched in 1747. She was wrecked off The Needles near the Isle of Wight, England in 1753. The ship remained stuck on the rock long enough for the crew and passengers to escape. The wrecksite was identified by an Isle of Wight resident, Derek Williams, who became the first licensee. The wreck site includes cannons and other metallic items from the ship.