Harbinger Down

Harbinger Down is a 2015 Russian-American independent science-fiction monster horror film written and directed by Alec Gillis and produced by Tom Woodruff, Jr.; the founders of the special effects company StudioADI. The plot of the film follows a group of graduate students aboard the eponymous fishing trawler Harbinger who are studying the effects of global warming on a pod of Belugas in the Bering Sea. When the ship's crew discover a block of ice that is infected with alien bacteria, they are attacked by shapeshifting alien monsters.

Harbinger Down

Harbinger Down is a 2015 Russian-American independent science-fiction monster horror film written and directed by Alec Gillis and produced by Tom Woodruff, Jr.; the founders of the special effects company StudioADI. The plot of the film follows a group of graduate students aboard the eponymous fishing trawler Harbinger who are studying the effects of global warming on a pod of Belugas in the Bering Sea. When the ship's crew discover a block of ice that is infected with alien bacteria, they are attacked by shapeshifting alien monsters.