
HarmonQuest is an American adult animation/live improvisation television show created by Dan Harmon. The show is part animated, part live action. Dan Harmon and comedians Erin McGathy, Jeff B. Davis, along with dungeon master Spencer Crittenden, perform a fantasy roleplaying campaign in front of a live audience. Each episode of the show also features a special guest player. The content of their stories is then animated by Starburns Industries, and the episodes feature a mix of live and animated footage. On October 19, 2016, Seeso renewed HarmonQuest for a second season.


HarmonQuest is an American adult animation/live improvisation television show created by Dan Harmon. The show is part animated, part live action. Dan Harmon and comedians Erin McGathy, Jeff B. Davis, along with dungeon master Spencer Crittenden, perform a fantasy roleplaying campaign in front of a live audience. Each episode of the show also features a special guest player. The content of their stories is then animated by Starburns Industries, and the episodes feature a mix of live and animated footage. On October 19, 2016, Seeso renewed HarmonQuest for a second season.