Harpur Trust

The Bedford Charity (The Harpur Trust) is a charity in Bedford, England. The stated aim of the charity is to help and support the people who live in and around Bedford, and to help them improve their lives by: * providing and promoting education * offering help and relief to anyone who is sick, in need, in hardship or distress * providing recreational facilities with a social welfare purpose for the people of Bedford and its surroundings. The Bedford Charity (The Harpur Trust) is the legal name, but it is most often referred to as the Harpur Trust.

Harpur Trust

The Bedford Charity (The Harpur Trust) is a charity in Bedford, England. The stated aim of the charity is to help and support the people who live in and around Bedford, and to help them improve their lives by: * providing and promoting education * offering help and relief to anyone who is sick, in need, in hardship or distress * providing recreational facilities with a social welfare purpose for the people of Bedford and its surroundings. The Bedford Charity (The Harpur Trust) is the legal name, but it is most often referred to as the Harpur Trust.