Hate Story (film series)

Hate Story is a series of Indian erotic thriller films, produced by Vikram Bhatt and Bhushan Kumar under the banner BVG Films and T-Series. The first film was released in 2012 is directed by Vikram Bhatt, the second film released in 2014 is directed by Vishal Pandya and the third film which is also directed by Vishal Pandya was released on 4 December 2015. All three films are commercially very successful

Hate Story (film series)

Hate Story is a series of Indian erotic thriller films, produced by Vikram Bhatt and Bhushan Kumar under the banner BVG Films and T-Series. The first film was released in 2012 is directed by Vikram Bhatt, the second film released in 2014 is directed by Vishal Pandya and the third film which is also directed by Vishal Pandya was released on 4 December 2015. All three films are commercially very successful