Haunting of the Octoroon Mistress

The Haunting of the Octoroon Mistress is a ghost tale about the haunting of a house on 734 Royal Street in New Orleans, Louisiana. The haunting of the Octoroon House has a history in the social morals of the 1800s. The term Octoroon is used for people in New Orleans in the 1800s that were 1/8 black, 7/8 white. These octoroons were known as freed blacks. They received the best education and were often very wealthy. Relationships between octoroons and elite Creoles of New Orleans was prohibited, but it was not uncommon for young men to have a strong attraction to octoroon women because of their beauty. Masked balls were used as a way for rich Creoles to obtain an octoroon mistress. These balls were used as a personal gain for the Creole men and the octoroon mistresses because it entitled the

Haunting of the Octoroon Mistress

The Haunting of the Octoroon Mistress is a ghost tale about the haunting of a house on 734 Royal Street in New Orleans, Louisiana. The haunting of the Octoroon House has a history in the social morals of the 1800s. The term Octoroon is used for people in New Orleans in the 1800s that were 1/8 black, 7/8 white. These octoroons were known as freed blacks. They received the best education and were often very wealthy. Relationships between octoroons and elite Creoles of New Orleans was prohibited, but it was not uncommon for young men to have a strong attraction to octoroon women because of their beauty. Masked balls were used as a way for rich Creoles to obtain an octoroon mistress. These balls were used as a personal gain for the Creole men and the octoroon mistresses because it entitled the