Health Security Express

The Health Security Express was a 1994 series of 16 buses that traveled around the United States in groups to promote a 1993 plan for health care reform backed by Bill Clinton. Then-U.S. President Clinton campaigned on a bus alongside his wife Hillary, Vice President Al Gore, and Tipper Gore. The caravan was organized by health care reform supporters and various labor unions, who sponsored the buses at $20,000 each and were required to support health care reform legislation. The Health Security Express was announced by Clinton health care supporters on July 12, 1994 and coordinated by John H. Hoyt, a Democratic activist. The Health Security Express had a budget of $1.4 million–$1.9 million and was funded by donations ranging from $3,000 to over $100,000.

Health Security Express

The Health Security Express was a 1994 series of 16 buses that traveled around the United States in groups to promote a 1993 plan for health care reform backed by Bill Clinton. Then-U.S. President Clinton campaigned on a bus alongside his wife Hillary, Vice President Al Gore, and Tipper Gore. The caravan was organized by health care reform supporters and various labor unions, who sponsored the buses at $20,000 each and were required to support health care reform legislation. The Health Security Express was announced by Clinton health care supporters on July 12, 1994 and coordinated by John H. Hoyt, a Democratic activist. The Health Security Express had a budget of $1.4 million–$1.9 million and was funded by donations ranging from $3,000 to over $100,000.