Highway location marker

A highway location marker is the modern-day US equivalent of a milestone. Unlike traditional milestones, however, which (as their name suggests) were originally carved from stone and sited at one-mile intervals, modern highway location markers are made from a variety of materials and are almost invariably spaced at intervals of a kilometre or a fraction thereof (except in the United States, where miles are still used). In other countries they may be known as driver location signs, milestones or kilometre stones.

Highway location marker

A highway location marker is the modern-day US equivalent of a milestone. Unlike traditional milestones, however, which (as their name suggests) were originally carved from stone and sited at one-mile intervals, modern highway location markers are made from a variety of materials and are almost invariably spaced at intervals of a kilometre or a fraction thereof (except in the United States, where miles are still used). In other countries they may be known as driver location signs, milestones or kilometre stones.