
HipGuide is a city guide, founded in 1998 by former Accenture consultant, Syl Tang. Over 562,300 hipsters, including various celebrities such as Sarah Jessica Parker and Jay-Z read it. Nielsen NetRatings audited April 2009 The internet site also has HipBites, an emailed magazine that reports on what’s new in the way of hotels, bars, restaurants, and shopping in one of its nine flagship cities. Additionally, the magazine often spotlights other more far-flung cities, such as Sydney or Shanghai, and also includes interviews with authors, special deals for readers etc.


HipGuide is a city guide, founded in 1998 by former Accenture consultant, Syl Tang. Over 562,300 hipsters, including various celebrities such as Sarah Jessica Parker and Jay-Z read it. Nielsen NetRatings audited April 2009 The internet site also has HipBites, an emailed magazine that reports on what’s new in the way of hotels, bars, restaurants, and shopping in one of its nine flagship cities. Additionally, the magazine often spotlights other more far-flung cities, such as Sydney or Shanghai, and also includes interviews with authors, special deals for readers etc.