Homosexuality in college sports

While there are many homosexual athletes in both professional and college level sports, there are also many athletes who are struggling with their gender identity. These athletes are scared to come out as transgender or homosexual because of the strict rules and regulations, and as well as how they will be treated by their teammates. Also included in this group, are the coaches of these teams. They worry that if they do come out, that the punishment would lead to them being kicked off the team or not be allowed to play on a team that matches their gender identity or sexuality. Simple things that a cisgender athlete would take for granted, for example, pronoun use, can distract these athletes from giving their best talent to their sport of choice. Homosexual coaches also fear the loss of re

Homosexuality in college sports

While there are many homosexual athletes in both professional and college level sports, there are also many athletes who are struggling with their gender identity. These athletes are scared to come out as transgender or homosexual because of the strict rules and regulations, and as well as how they will be treated by their teammates. Also included in this group, are the coaches of these teams. They worry that if they do come out, that the punishment would lead to them being kicked off the team or not be allowed to play on a team that matches their gender identity or sexuality. Simple things that a cisgender athlete would take for granted, for example, pronoun use, can distract these athletes from giving their best talent to their sport of choice. Homosexual coaches also fear the loss of re