Honebuto no hōshin

Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform (経済財政運営と構造改革に関する基本方針 keizai zaisei un'ei to kōzō kaikaku ni kansuru kihon hōshin), also known as the Big-Boned Policy (骨太の方針 honebuto no hōshin), is a set of policy guidelines used by the Japanese government to draft policy on economic and fiscal management. First proposed by the Liberal Democratic Party in 2001, it is formulated annually by the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy. The initiative was abandoned by the Democratic Party of Japan in 2010, but revived in 2013 under Shinzō Abe.

Honebuto no hōshin

Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform (経済財政運営と構造改革に関する基本方針 keizai zaisei un'ei to kōzō kaikaku ni kansuru kihon hōshin), also known as the Big-Boned Policy (骨太の方針 honebuto no hōshin), is a set of policy guidelines used by the Japanese government to draft policy on economic and fiscal management. First proposed by the Liberal Democratic Party in 2001, it is formulated annually by the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy. The initiative was abandoned by the Democratic Party of Japan in 2010, but revived in 2013 under Shinzō Abe.