Human Proteome Folding Project

The Human Proteome Folding Project (HPF) is a collaborative effort between New York University (Bonneau Lab), the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) and the University of Washington (Baker Lab), using the Rosetta software developed by the Rosetta Commons. Phase 1 ran on two distributed computing grids: on United Devices', and on the World Community Grid, an IBM philanthropic initiative. Phase 2 of the project ran exclusively on the World Community Grid; it terminated in 2013 after more than 9 years of IBM involvement.

Human Proteome Folding Project

The Human Proteome Folding Project (HPF) is a collaborative effort between New York University (Bonneau Lab), the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) and the University of Washington (Baker Lab), using the Rosetta software developed by the Rosetta Commons. Phase 1 ran on two distributed computing grids: on United Devices', and on the World Community Grid, an IBM philanthropic initiative. Phase 2 of the project ran exclusively on the World Community Grid; it terminated in 2013 after more than 9 years of IBM involvement.