INS Sarayu (P54)

INS Sarayu was a Sukanya-class patrol vessel of the Indian Navy. Sarayu was sold to the Sri Lanka Navy, where she retained the name (as SLNS Sayura). She serves as the flagship of the Sri Lanka Navy and obtained several remarkable naval victories against the naval branch of Tamil Tiger rebels (Sea Tigers). She was recently equipped with Yingi Y-82 anti-ship missiles and surface to air missiles.

INS Sarayu (P54)

INS Sarayu was a Sukanya-class patrol vessel of the Indian Navy. Sarayu was sold to the Sri Lanka Navy, where she retained the name (as SLNS Sayura). She serves as the flagship of the Sri Lanka Navy and obtained several remarkable naval victories against the naval branch of Tamil Tiger rebels (Sea Tigers). She was recently equipped with Yingi Y-82 anti-ship missiles and surface to air missiles.