In-game advertising

In-game advertising (IGA) refers to advertising in computer and video games. IGA differs from advergaming, which refers to a game specifically made to advertise a product. The IGA industry is large and growing. In-game advertising generated $34 million in 2004, $56 million in 2005,$80 million in 2006,and $295 million in 2007.In 2009, spending on IGA was estimated to reach $699 million USD, $1 billion by 2014 and according to Forbes is anticipated to grow to $7.2 billion by 2016.

In-game advertising

In-game advertising (IGA) refers to advertising in computer and video games. IGA differs from advergaming, which refers to a game specifically made to advertise a product. The IGA industry is large and growing. In-game advertising generated $34 million in 2004, $56 million in 2005,$80 million in 2006,and $295 million in 2007.In 2009, spending on IGA was estimated to reach $699 million USD, $1 billion by 2014 and according to Forbes is anticipated to grow to $7.2 billion by 2016.