In Defense of Global Capitalism

In Defense of Global Capitalism (in Swedish: Till världskapitalismens försvar) is a book by Swedish writer Johan Norberg promoting economic globalization and free trade. The book was originally published in May 2001 by the Swedish think tank Timbro. Since then, a number of translations into other languages have followed. As of 2008, the book has been translated into a dozen of languages including: English, German, Dutch, Turkish, Estonian, French, Finnish, Spanish, Chinese, Polish, and Czech. Additional translations are available in Arabic, Russian and Mongolian.

In Defense of Global Capitalism

In Defense of Global Capitalism (in Swedish: Till världskapitalismens försvar) is a book by Swedish writer Johan Norberg promoting economic globalization and free trade. The book was originally published in May 2001 by the Swedish think tank Timbro. Since then, a number of translations into other languages have followed. As of 2008, the book has been translated into a dozen of languages including: English, German, Dutch, Turkish, Estonian, French, Finnish, Spanish, Chinese, Polish, and Czech. Additional translations are available in Arabic, Russian and Mongolian.