Independent Popular Action

The Independent Popular Action (Spanish: Acción Popular Independiente, API) was a Chilean political party, created on 27 April 1968, intended to be part of the Popular Unity and support the candidacy of Salvador Allende in the presidential election of 1970. Its main leader was Rafael Tarud. In the parliamentary elections of 1973 the party achieved to elect two deputies: Silvia Araya González and Luis Osvaldo Escobar Astaburuaga.

Independent Popular Action

The Independent Popular Action (Spanish: Acción Popular Independiente, API) was a Chilean political party, created on 27 April 1968, intended to be part of the Popular Unity and support the candidacy of Salvador Allende in the presidential election of 1970. Its main leader was Rafael Tarud. In the parliamentary elections of 1973 the party achieved to elect two deputies: Silvia Araya González and Luis Osvaldo Escobar Astaburuaga.