Information needs

The concept Information need is seldom, if ever, mentioned in the general literature about needs, but is a common term in the literature of information science. According to Hjørland (1997) it is closely related to the concept of relevance: If something is relevant for a person in relation to a given task, we might say that the person needs the information for that task. Information needs are related to, but distinct from information requirements. An example is that a need is hunger; the requirement is food.

Information needs

The concept Information need is seldom, if ever, mentioned in the general literature about needs, but is a common term in the literature of information science. According to Hjørland (1997) it is closely related to the concept of relevance: If something is relevant for a person in relation to a given task, we might say that the person needs the information for that task. Information needs are related to, but distinct from information requirements. An example is that a need is hunger; the requirement is food.