Inner City Press

Inner City Press is a public interest organization founded by Matthew Lee, who serves as Executive Director. Inner City Press is best known for its investigations of the banking industry's treatment of low-income communities of color, at first within the United States and more recently around the world, for example with regard to HSBC, Deutsche Bank and others. In the Spring of 2013, in the US, Inner City Press / Fair Finance Watch has for example raised fair lending issues regarding Investors Bank, see Newark [NJ] Star-Ledger of April 30, 2013, "Investors, Roma bank merger still awaiting regulator's approval,"

Inner City Press

Inner City Press is a public interest organization founded by Matthew Lee, who serves as Executive Director. Inner City Press is best known for its investigations of the banking industry's treatment of low-income communities of color, at first within the United States and more recently around the world, for example with regard to HSBC, Deutsche Bank and others. In the Spring of 2013, in the US, Inner City Press / Fair Finance Watch has for example raised fair lending issues regarding Investors Bank, see Newark [NJ] Star-Ledger of April 30, 2013, "Investors, Roma bank merger still awaiting regulator's approval,"