International Conference on Database Theory

The International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT) is an international research conference on foundations of database theory, and has been held since 1982. It is frequently also called as the PODS of Europe. Since 2009, ICDT has been held jointly with the EDBT, a research conference on systems aspects of data management. Until 2009, the conference used to happen biennially. The conference now happens annually at a location typically within Europe. ICDT has been instrumental in developing a flourishing research community within Europe, working on problems in database theory.

International Conference on Database Theory

The International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT) is an international research conference on foundations of database theory, and has been held since 1982. It is frequently also called as the PODS of Europe. Since 2009, ICDT has been held jointly with the EDBT, a research conference on systems aspects of data management. Until 2009, the conference used to happen biennially. The conference now happens annually at a location typically within Europe. ICDT has been instrumental in developing a flourishing research community within Europe, working on problems in database theory.