Intrepid Pictures

Intrepid Pictures is an American independent production company founded in 2004 by Trevor Macy and Marc D. Evans, and is based in Santa Monica, California. Before it was created, both Evans and Macy worked at both Revolution Studios and Propaganda Films respectively. Shortly after its creation, Rogue, then owned under Universal Studios, announced its deal with Intrepid, in which it's films would be produced, co-financed, and distributed with them for five years. After stumbles, the group broke through with The Strangers and Oculus, as well as the critically acclaimed Hush.

Intrepid Pictures

Intrepid Pictures is an American independent production company founded in 2004 by Trevor Macy and Marc D. Evans, and is based in Santa Monica, California. Before it was created, both Evans and Macy worked at both Revolution Studios and Propaganda Films respectively. Shortly after its creation, Rogue, then owned under Universal Studios, announced its deal with Intrepid, in which it's films would be produced, co-financed, and distributed with them for five years. After stumbles, the group broke through with The Strangers and Oculus, as well as the critically acclaimed Hush.