Isaac Pendleton

Isaac Pendelton was born in King's County, Rhode Island (the former name for Washington County) on 22 November 1777. In 1802, he married Nancy Sheffield in Stonington, New London County, Connecticut. In October that year he was commissioned by Fanning & Coles as captain of the US ship Union and embarked on a sealing voyage to New Holland. In early 1803, Pendleton met French explorer, Nicolas Baudin in King George Sound. Baudin suggested Kangaroo Island as a place where seals could be found in abundance. On Kangaroo Island near modern-day American River, South Australia, Pendleton commissioned the construction of the schooner Independence, the first ship built in South Australian waters.

Isaac Pendleton

Isaac Pendelton was born in King's County, Rhode Island (the former name for Washington County) on 22 November 1777. In 1802, he married Nancy Sheffield in Stonington, New London County, Connecticut. In October that year he was commissioned by Fanning & Coles as captain of the US ship Union and embarked on a sealing voyage to New Holland. In early 1803, Pendleton met French explorer, Nicolas Baudin in King George Sound. Baudin suggested Kangaroo Island as a place where seals could be found in abundance. On Kangaroo Island near modern-day American River, South Australia, Pendleton commissioned the construction of the schooner Independence, the first ship built in South Australian waters.