Islamic organisations in Australia

Islamic organisations in Australia include a wide range of groups and associations run and supported by the Islamic community in Australia. Organisations include major community councils, local organisations, mosques and schools. Most Australian Muslims are Sunni, with Shia then Sufi and Ahmadiyya as minorities. Australian Muslim, Irfan Yusuf says that Western Muslim organisations, including those in Australia, are predominantly Sunni. All of the Islamic organisations listed below, other than the Darulfatwa - Islamic High Council of Australia, are affiliated with the Sunni denomination.

Islamic organisations in Australia

Islamic organisations in Australia include a wide range of groups and associations run and supported by the Islamic community in Australia. Organisations include major community councils, local organisations, mosques and schools. Most Australian Muslims are Sunni, with Shia then Sufi and Ahmadiyya as minorities. Australian Muslim, Irfan Yusuf says that Western Muslim organisations, including those in Australia, are predominantly Sunni. All of the Islamic organisations listed below, other than the Darulfatwa - Islamic High Council of Australia, are affiliated with the Sunni denomination.