James Bond in film

The James Bond film series is a British series of spy films based on the fictional character of MI6 agent James Bond, "007", who originally appeared in a series of books by Ian Fleming. It is one of the longest continually-running film series in history, having been in on-going production from 1962 to the present (with a six-year hiatus between 1989 and 1995). In that time Eon Productions has produced 24 films, most of them at Pinewood Studios. With a combined gross of over $7 billion to date, the films produced by Eon constitute the third-highest-grossing film series, behind the Harry Potter and Marvel Cinematic Universe films (accounting for the effects of inflation the Bond films are the highest-grossing series amassing over $13 billion at 2011/2012 prices). Six actors have portrayed 00

James Bond in film

The James Bond film series is a British series of spy films based on the fictional character of MI6 agent James Bond, "007", who originally appeared in a series of books by Ian Fleming. It is one of the longest continually-running film series in history, having been in on-going production from 1962 to the present (with a six-year hiatus between 1989 and 1995). In that time Eon Productions has produced 24 films, most of them at Pinewood Studios. With a combined gross of over $7 billion to date, the films produced by Eon constitute the third-highest-grossing film series, behind the Harry Potter and Marvel Cinematic Universe films (accounting for the effects of inflation the Bond films are the highest-grossing series amassing over $13 billion at 2011/2012 prices). Six actors have portrayed 00