Jani Khel offensive

The Jani Khel offensive was launched by the Taliban and the Haqqani network in early August 2016 to conquer the Jani Khel District within the contested Paktia Province from government forces. Due to the district’s geographic location, it is of great strategic and tactical value to any force that controls it. After being besieged by insurgents for weeks and not receiving any outside help, the local government forces retreated from the district on 27 August. Even though the district was retaken by the government on 5 September, the fact that the district had been captured by the Taliban in the first place was widely considered a heavy blow for the government, which faced increasing insecurity and loss of territory since the ISAF retreat in 2014.

Jani Khel offensive

The Jani Khel offensive was launched by the Taliban and the Haqqani network in early August 2016 to conquer the Jani Khel District within the contested Paktia Province from government forces. Due to the district’s geographic location, it is of great strategic and tactical value to any force that controls it. After being besieged by insurgents for weeks and not receiving any outside help, the local government forces retreated from the district on 27 August. Even though the district was retaken by the government on 5 September, the fact that the district had been captured by the Taliban in the first place was widely considered a heavy blow for the government, which faced increasing insecurity and loss of territory since the ISAF retreat in 2014.