Joey Johnson (Days of Our Lives)

Joey Johnson is a fictional character from Days of Our Lives, an American soap opera on the NBC network, currently portrayed by James Lastovic. Introduced in 2008, Joey was created by head writers Dena Higley and Victor Gialanella as the youngest child of supercouple, Steve "Patch" Johnson and Kayla Brady (Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans). The role was originated by siblings Brody and Jonas—who vacated the role in 2009 when the character was written out. Child actor, Jadon Wells appeared in the role of Joey on a recurring basis from 2012 to 2014. In 2015, the character was rapidly aged to 16 when Lastovic stepped into the role. Joey returns having skipped out on boarding school suffering from abandonment issues. It is later revealed that Joey has secretly been conspiring with Ava Vital

Joey Johnson (Days of Our Lives)

Joey Johnson is a fictional character from Days of Our Lives, an American soap opera on the NBC network, currently portrayed by James Lastovic. Introduced in 2008, Joey was created by head writers Dena Higley and Victor Gialanella as the youngest child of supercouple, Steve "Patch" Johnson and Kayla Brady (Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans). The role was originated by siblings Brody and Jonas—who vacated the role in 2009 when the character was written out. Child actor, Jadon Wells appeared in the role of Joey on a recurring basis from 2012 to 2014. In 2015, the character was rapidly aged to 16 when Lastovic stepped into the role. Joey returns having skipped out on boarding school suffering from abandonment issues. It is later revealed that Joey has secretly been conspiring with Ava Vital