John E. Skinner Delta Fish Protective Facility

The John E. Skinner Delta Fish Protective Facility or the Skinner Fish Facility is a fish collection and diversion facility located 2 miles upstream from the Banks Pumping Plant. In operation since 1968 by the California Department of Water Resources, the facility utilizes behavioral devices (fish screens) that divert most fish away from the pumping plant. Fish that make it past the behavior devices are collected into concrete tanks where they are later releases back into the Sacramento River or the San Joaquin River.

John E. Skinner Delta Fish Protective Facility

The John E. Skinner Delta Fish Protective Facility or the Skinner Fish Facility is a fish collection and diversion facility located 2 miles upstream from the Banks Pumping Plant. In operation since 1968 by the California Department of Water Resources, the facility utilizes behavioral devices (fish screens) that divert most fish away from the pumping plant. Fish that make it past the behavior devices are collected into concrete tanks where they are later releases back into the Sacramento River or the San Joaquin River.