Kaligandaki A Hydroelectric Power Station

Kaligandaki A Hydroelectric Power Station is situated near Mirmi of Syangja District about 300 km to the west of Kathmandu and 100 km from Pokhara in the same direction in Nepal. The dam and headworks are situated on the Gandaki River at the confluence of the Andhikhola whereas the power house is located downstream, around a bend in the river, in Beltari (About 7 km towards the South-East of Mirmi). A 5.9 km (3.7 mi) long headrace tunnel connects the reservoir to the power station which contains three 48 MW Francis turbine-generators. Owner and operator of the power plant is Nepal Electricity Authority.

Kaligandaki A Hydroelectric Power Station

Kaligandaki A Hydroelectric Power Station is situated near Mirmi of Syangja District about 300 km to the west of Kathmandu and 100 km from Pokhara in the same direction in Nepal. The dam and headworks are situated on the Gandaki River at the confluence of the Andhikhola whereas the power house is located downstream, around a bend in the river, in Beltari (About 7 km towards the South-East of Mirmi). A 5.9 km (3.7 mi) long headrace tunnel connects the reservoir to the power station which contains three 48 MW Francis turbine-generators. Owner and operator of the power plant is Nepal Electricity Authority.