Kama tank school

The Kama tank school (German: Panzerschule Kama) was a secret training school for tank commanders operated by the German Reichswehr at Kazan, Soviet Union. It operated from 1929 to 1933. The school was established in order to allow the German military to circumvent the military restrictions on tank research spelled out in the Treaty of Versailles. Similar schools were established in the Soviet Union for German pilots and German military officers training in gas warfare. Following the Nazi party's rise to power the school was closed and Germany's Tank Force and Air Force were trained in Germany.

Kama tank school

The Kama tank school (German: Panzerschule Kama) was a secret training school for tank commanders operated by the German Reichswehr at Kazan, Soviet Union. It operated from 1929 to 1933. The school was established in order to allow the German military to circumvent the military restrictions on tank research spelled out in the Treaty of Versailles. Similar schools were established in the Soviet Union for German pilots and German military officers training in gas warfare. Following the Nazi party's rise to power the school was closed and Germany's Tank Force and Air Force were trained in Germany.