Kiev Arsenal January Uprising

Kiev Arsenal January Uprising (Ukrainian: Січневе повстання Sichneve povstannya), sometimes called simply the January Uprising or the January Rebellion, was the Bolshevik organized workers' armed revolt that started on January 29, 1918 at the Kiev Arsenal factory during the Ukrainian-Soviet War. The goal of the uprising was to sabotage the ongoing elections to the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly and to support the advancing Red Army.

Kiev Arsenal January Uprising

Kiev Arsenal January Uprising (Ukrainian: Січневе повстання Sichneve povstannya), sometimes called simply the January Uprising or the January Rebellion, was the Bolshevik organized workers' armed revolt that started on January 29, 1918 at the Kiev Arsenal factory during the Ukrainian-Soviet War. The goal of the uprising was to sabotage the ongoing elections to the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly and to support the advancing Red Army.