Kitab al Majmu

Kitab al-Majmu‘ (Arabic: كتاب المجموع‎‎ "The Book of the Collection") is a book which is claimed by some Sunni Muslims and former Alawites to be the main source of teaching of the ‘Alawi sect of Islam. They claim the book is not openly published and instead is passed down from initiated Master to Apprentice; however, the book has been published by Western scholars, and both the original Arabic and French translation are available on the Internet Archive. According to Matti Moosa: The man who revealed the alleged book was Sulayman al-Adani, an Alawite convert to Christianity.

Kitab al Majmu

Kitab al-Majmu‘ (Arabic: كتاب المجموع‎‎ "The Book of the Collection") is a book which is claimed by some Sunni Muslims and former Alawites to be the main source of teaching of the ‘Alawi sect of Islam. They claim the book is not openly published and instead is passed down from initiated Master to Apprentice; however, the book has been published by Western scholars, and both the original Arabic and French translation are available on the Internet Archive. According to Matti Moosa: The man who revealed the alleged book was Sulayman al-Adani, an Alawite convert to Christianity.