Kleene's O

In set theory and computability theory, Kleene's is a canonical subset of the natural numbers when regarded as ordinal notations. It contains ordinal notations for every recursive ordinal, that is, ordinals below Church–Kleene ordinal, . Since is the first ordinal not representable in a computable system of ordinal notations the elements of can be regarded as the canonical ordinal notations. ; and given any notation for an ordinal, there is a recursively enumerable set of notations which contains one element for each smaller ordinal and is effectively ordered.

Kleene's O

In set theory and computability theory, Kleene's is a canonical subset of the natural numbers when regarded as ordinal notations. It contains ordinal notations for every recursive ordinal, that is, ordinals below Church–Kleene ordinal, . Since is the first ordinal not representable in a computable system of ordinal notations the elements of can be regarded as the canonical ordinal notations. ; and given any notation for an ordinal, there is a recursively enumerable set of notations which contains one element for each smaller ordinal and is effectively ordered.