Ku (fictional language)

Ku is a fictional language appearing in the 2005 drama/thriller film The Interpreter. In the film, Ku is a language spoken in the fictional African country of Matobo. The constructed language was created for the film by Said el-Gheithy, the director of the Centre for African Language Learning in Covent Garden, London. Commissioned by The Interpreter's director, Sydney Pollack, and Working Title Films, el-Gheithy adapted aspects of Shona and Swahili, languages spoken in Eastern and Southern Africa, to devise the basis of this fictional language.

Ku (fictional language)

Ku is a fictional language appearing in the 2005 drama/thriller film The Interpreter. In the film, Ku is a language spoken in the fictional African country of Matobo. The constructed language was created for the film by Said el-Gheithy, the director of the Centre for African Language Learning in Covent Garden, London. Commissioned by The Interpreter's director, Sydney Pollack, and Working Title Films, el-Gheithy adapted aspects of Shona and Swahili, languages spoken in Eastern and Southern Africa, to devise the basis of this fictional language.