Kunj Yusuf Pasha

Kunj Yusuf Pasha (also spelled Kanj Yusuf Pasha) was the Ottoman governor of Damascus Eyalet between 1807 and 1810. He was an ethnic Kurd. As governor, Kunj Yusuf enacted discriminatory policies against religious minority groups in Damascus and was unable to secure the annual Hajj pilgrim caravan to Mecca. After his inability to defeat Wahhabi invaders in 1809, he was ousted by Sulayman Pasha al-Adil with the blessing of the Ottoman imperial authorities.

Kunj Yusuf Pasha

Kunj Yusuf Pasha (also spelled Kanj Yusuf Pasha) was the Ottoman governor of Damascus Eyalet between 1807 and 1810. He was an ethnic Kurd. As governor, Kunj Yusuf enacted discriminatory policies against religious minority groups in Damascus and was unable to secure the annual Hajj pilgrim caravan to Mecca. After his inability to defeat Wahhabi invaders in 1809, he was ousted by Sulayman Pasha al-Adil with the blessing of the Ottoman imperial authorities.