
Caecilius (Amazigh name: Aksel or Aksil, ⴰⴽⵙⵉⵍ; Latin: Caecilius; Kusaila), his name means "leopard" in the Berber language, died in the year 690 AD fighting Muslim invaders, was a 7th-century Berber Christian king of the kingdom of Altava and leader of the Awraba tribe of the Imazighen and possibly Christian King of the Sanhadja confederation. He is known for prosecuting an effective Berber military resistance against the Muslim invasion of the Maghreb in the 680s.


Caecilius (Amazigh name: Aksel or Aksil, ⴰⴽⵙⵉⵍ; Latin: Caecilius; Kusaila), his name means "leopard" in the Berber language, died in the year 690 AD fighting Muslim invaders, was a 7th-century Berber Christian king of the kingdom of Altava and leader of the Awraba tribe of the Imazighen and possibly Christian King of the Sanhadja confederation. He is known for prosecuting an effective Berber military resistance against the Muslim invasion of the Maghreb in the 680s.