Lactuca muralis

Lactuca muralis (wall lettuce), or Mycelis muralis, is a perennial flowering plant of the genus Lactuca in the dandelion tribe within the daisy family. Its chief characteristic is an open airy clumps of yellow flowers. Each "flower" is actually a composite flower, consisting of 4-5 petal-like flowers (strap or ray flowers), each approximately 5–7 mm in length. There are no disc flowers. Lactuca muralis grows about 2–4 feet tall with the lower leaves pinnately toothed and clasping.

Lactuca muralis

Lactuca muralis (wall lettuce), or Mycelis muralis, is a perennial flowering plant of the genus Lactuca in the dandelion tribe within the daisy family. Its chief characteristic is an open airy clumps of yellow flowers. Each "flower" is actually a composite flower, consisting of 4-5 petal-like flowers (strap or ray flowers), each approximately 5–7 mm in length. There are no disc flowers. Lactuca muralis grows about 2–4 feet tall with the lower leaves pinnately toothed and clasping.