Lars Kroijer

Lars Kroijer is an author, entrepreneur and former hedge fund manager. He founded the hedge fund firm Holte Capital Limited in 2002, starting with a fund of $3.5 million. By 2008, Kroijer reached a fund of $300 million, before the global financial crisis led him to decide to close the hedge fund business. Kroijer then created and was an author of two separate books with the first in 2010. The book, Money Mavericks: Confessions of a Hedge Fund Manager, was an insight into Kroijer's life as a hedge fund manager. His second book, Investing Demystified by Lars Kroijer, was published in 2013.

Lars Kroijer

Lars Kroijer is an author, entrepreneur and former hedge fund manager. He founded the hedge fund firm Holte Capital Limited in 2002, starting with a fund of $3.5 million. By 2008, Kroijer reached a fund of $300 million, before the global financial crisis led him to decide to close the hedge fund business. Kroijer then created and was an author of two separate books with the first in 2010. The book, Money Mavericks: Confessions of a Hedge Fund Manager, was an insight into Kroijer's life as a hedge fund manager. His second book, Investing Demystified by Lars Kroijer, was published in 2013.