Law and Justice

Law and Justice (Polish: ), abbreviated to PiS, is a right-wing national-conservative political party in Poland. With 216 seats in the Sejm and 56 in the Senate, it is currently the largest party in the Polish parliament. The party programme is dominated by the Kaczyńskis' conservative and law and order agenda. It has embraced economic interventionism, while maintaining a socially conservative stance that in 2005 moved towards the Catholic Church; the party's Catholic-nationalist wing split off in 2011 to form Solidary Poland. The party is solidarist and mildly eurosceptic.

Law and Justice

Law and Justice (Polish: ), abbreviated to PiS, is a right-wing national-conservative political party in Poland. With 216 seats in the Sejm and 56 in the Senate, it is currently the largest party in the Polish parliament. The party programme is dominated by the Kaczyńskis' conservative and law and order agenda. It has embraced economic interventionism, while maintaining a socially conservative stance that in 2005 moved towards the Catholic Church; the party's Catholic-nationalist wing split off in 2011 to form Solidary Poland. The party is solidarist and mildly eurosceptic.