Laysan duck

The Laysan duck (Anas laysanensis), also known as the Laysan teal, is a dabbling duck endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Fossil evidence reveals that Laysan ducks once lived across the entire archipelago, but today survive only on Laysan Island. The duck has evolved several behavioral traits linked to the absence of ground-based predators in its habitat; these include freezing or running to escape danger rather than flying, which made the duck vulnerable to hunting by humans, and the pigs, rats and mongooses they brought with them to Hawaii. By 1860, the ducks had disappeared from everywhere except Laysan Island. The introduction of rabbits brought the bird to the brink of extinction in 1912 with twelve surviving individuals. Rabbits were eradicated from the island in 1923 and numbers of Lay

Laysan duck

The Laysan duck (Anas laysanensis), also known as the Laysan teal, is a dabbling duck endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Fossil evidence reveals that Laysan ducks once lived across the entire archipelago, but today survive only on Laysan Island. The duck has evolved several behavioral traits linked to the absence of ground-based predators in its habitat; these include freezing or running to escape danger rather than flying, which made the duck vulnerable to hunting by humans, and the pigs, rats and mongooses they brought with them to Hawaii. By 1860, the ducks had disappeared from everywhere except Laysan Island. The introduction of rabbits brought the bird to the brink of extinction in 1912 with twelve surviving individuals. Rabbits were eradicated from the island in 1923 and numbers of Lay