Legendary creatures of the Argentine Northwest region

The Argentine Northwest region (NOA) is composed of the territory of the Argentinian provinces of Tucumán, Salta, and Catamarca. The region's center is in the area of Santiago del Estero. During the NOA's aboriginal period, the various communities within the area shared a complex culture that was further enriched by constant contacts and exchanges with the Tawantinsuyu or Inca empire, which was part.

Legendary creatures of the Argentine Northwest region

The Argentine Northwest region (NOA) is composed of the territory of the Argentinian provinces of Tucumán, Salta, and Catamarca. The region's center is in the area of Santiago del Estero. During the NOA's aboriginal period, the various communities within the area shared a complex culture that was further enriched by constant contacts and exchanges with the Tawantinsuyu or Inca empire, which was part.