Lemmings (advertisement)

Lemmings was a television commercial that launched the "Macintosh Office" by Apple Computer in the United States, in January 1985, a year after the introduction of the Apple Macintosh in 1984. It was aired during the 1985 Super Bowl, a year after the successful Apple Super Bowl commercial, "1984". The Lemmings commercial was a large failure, unlike "1984", and was widely seen as insulting to potential customers. Apple didn't air another commercial during the Super Bowl until the Hal commercial in 1999 and later, the Pepsi/iTunes "I fought the law" commercial in 2004.

Lemmings (advertisement)

Lemmings was a television commercial that launched the "Macintosh Office" by Apple Computer in the United States, in January 1985, a year after the introduction of the Apple Macintosh in 1984. It was aired during the 1985 Super Bowl, a year after the successful Apple Super Bowl commercial, "1984". The Lemmings commercial was a large failure, unlike "1984", and was widely seen as insulting to potential customers. Apple didn't air another commercial during the Super Bowl until the Hal commercial in 1999 and later, the Pepsi/iTunes "I fought the law" commercial in 2004.