Lennon Naked

Lennon Naked is a 2010 television biographical film focusing on the life of John Lennon between 1967 and 1971. It stars Christopher Eccleston as Lennon and was directed by Edmund Coulthard. The film was first broadcast on 23 June 2010 on BBC Four, and received its US premiere on PBS on 21 November 2010 as part of Masterpiece Contemporary, airing the day before the American Masters documentary LennoNYC, which begins where Lennon Naked ended. The film premiered in Australia on 5 December 2010.

Lennon Naked

Lennon Naked is a 2010 television biographical film focusing on the life of John Lennon between 1967 and 1971. It stars Christopher Eccleston as Lennon and was directed by Edmund Coulthard. The film was first broadcast on 23 June 2010 on BBC Four, and received its US premiere on PBS on 21 November 2010 as part of Masterpiece Contemporary, airing the day before the American Masters documentary LennoNYC, which begins where Lennon Naked ended. The film premiered in Australia on 5 December 2010.