Liberal League (Japan)

The Liberal League; Japanese Jiyu Rengo (自由連合); was a free market liberal party in Japan. It was a minor party which held one seat in the House of Representatives in the Diet at its peak. The League, whose name can also be translated as "Freedom League" or "Libertarian Union" (even though its official English translation is Liberal League), had a liberal and free market libertarian political agenda. The party was formed in 1994 and won a few seats in its first election; however, in the 2003 parliamentary elections, it won only one. It won no seats in the July 2004 Upper House Elections.

Liberal League (Japan)

The Liberal League; Japanese Jiyu Rengo (自由連合); was a free market liberal party in Japan. It was a minor party which held one seat in the House of Representatives in the Diet at its peak. The League, whose name can also be translated as "Freedom League" or "Libertarian Union" (even though its official English translation is Liberal League), had a liberal and free market libertarian political agenda. The party was formed in 1994 and won a few seats in its first election; however, in the 2003 parliamentary elections, it won only one. It won no seats in the July 2004 Upper House Elections.