Liberal Party (Spain, 1976)

The Liberal Party (Spanish: Partido Liberal, PL) was a liberal political party in Spain. It was part of the Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD) until 1983, when it aligned itself with the People's Alliance (AP), the People's Democratic Party (PDP) and the Liberal Union (UL). On 22 December 1984 the Liberal Party accorded to merge with the Liberal Union and adopted the name of the first. These three parties formed the People's Coalition for the 1986 election. In 1989 the party, along with AP and PDP, merged to form the new People's Party (PP).

Liberal Party (Spain, 1976)

The Liberal Party (Spanish: Partido Liberal, PL) was a liberal political party in Spain. It was part of the Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD) until 1983, when it aligned itself with the People's Alliance (AP), the People's Democratic Party (PDP) and the Liberal Union (UL). On 22 December 1984 the Liberal Party accorded to merge with the Liberal Union and adopted the name of the first. These three parties formed the People's Coalition for the 1986 election. In 1989 the party, along with AP and PDP, merged to form the new People's Party (PP).