Liberal and Progressive Muslim movements

(For modernist reform movements in Islam, see Islamic Modernism.) Liberal movements within Islam involve professed Muslims who have produced a considerable body of liberal thought on the re-interpretation and reform of Islamic understanding and practice. Their work is sometimes characterized as "progressive Islam" (Arabic: الإسلام التقدمي‎‎ al-Islām at-taqaddumī ), some regard progressive Islam and liberal Islam as two distinct movements.

Liberal and Progressive Muslim movements

(For modernist reform movements in Islam, see Islamic Modernism.) Liberal movements within Islam involve professed Muslims who have produced a considerable body of liberal thought on the re-interpretation and reform of Islamic understanding and practice. Their work is sometimes characterized as "progressive Islam" (Arabic: الإسلام التقدمي‎‎ al-Islām at-taqaddumī ), some regard progressive Islam and liberal Islam as two distinct movements.