Libertarian perspectives on capital punishment

Most libertarians believe that the capital punishment (death penalty) is an extreme exertion of state power and is of little use in a free society, while it is of great use to a tyrannical government. Proponents of capital punishment believe that such punishment may be justified as a deterrent to particularly atrocious crimes (although it is the case in the United States that states with the death penalty have higher murder rates than ones which don't) and as a means of keeping dangerous individuals permanently incapacitated. Furthermore, if people commit crimes, they may sacrifice their rights; if the legal system is legitimate, perhaps capital punishment is justified.

Libertarian perspectives on capital punishment

Most libertarians believe that the capital punishment (death penalty) is an extreme exertion of state power and is of little use in a free society, while it is of great use to a tyrannical government. Proponents of capital punishment believe that such punishment may be justified as a deterrent to particularly atrocious crimes (although it is the case in the United States that states with the death penalty have higher murder rates than ones which don't) and as a means of keeping dangerous individuals permanently incapacitated. Furthermore, if people commit crimes, they may sacrifice their rights; if the legal system is legitimate, perhaps capital punishment is justified.