Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man

The Lieutenant Governor (Manx: Fo-chiannoort) is the representative on the Isle of Man of the Lord of Mann (currently Queen Elizabeth II). He/she has the power to grant royal assent and is styled His Excellency. In recent times the Governor has either been a retired diplomat or senior military officer. No Manx-born person has ever been appointed Lieutenant Governor, although Manx-born First Deemsters (ex officio Deputy Governors) have taken on the role during the transition of power between Governors, and during periods when the Lieutenant Governor is off-Island.

Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man

The Lieutenant Governor (Manx: Fo-chiannoort) is the representative on the Isle of Man of the Lord of Mann (currently Queen Elizabeth II). He/she has the power to grant royal assent and is styled His Excellency. In recent times the Governor has either been a retired diplomat or senior military officer. No Manx-born person has ever been appointed Lieutenant Governor, although Manx-born First Deemsters (ex officio Deputy Governors) have taken on the role during the transition of power between Governors, and during periods when the Lieutenant Governor is off-Island.